
It is never too early or too late to start!
How to get started?
Gather knowledge! The methods of raising and teaching dogs change constantly.
Join our facebook group Hovawart's in Estonia, ask questions!
If you have a PUPPY! Remember, that the growth plates finish growing later in large dog breeds, than they do in small dog breeds. Activities should be short and walks timed according to a dog's age.
Games are the best way to bond. Through games you get to know each other more, and the dog learns, that time spent with you is always fun and that it's always worth to come to you when you call!
For a dog, the most important resource is your time.
If you decide that it would be exciting to go to trainings somewhere, consider your own resources when making choices.
The trainer doesn't train the dog to behave, but the owner to know how to understand and deal with their dog.
Trainings give confidence to the owner, which also gives confidence to the dog (Hovawart can read body language very well), and it's always good to learn something new!
Trainings are always a pleasure, when the trainer and the owner both get along well.
It isn't always easy to choose a trainer. If possible, try out different trainings, and decide later, which one you'd like to go to and if you're happy with the trainer.